Sunday, February 5, 2012

How is Furman going GREEN?

So it seems like everyone and their mama are in your face telling you to go green right?!?! Like...
Ride your bike!
Don't drive so much!
Turn off all the lights when you are not home!
Use a water bottle instead of buying plastic bottles!
Paper not plastic!

And you know what, these are all good ideas. It gives the world a chance to turn one more day. I encourage you to do what you can to go green! However, instead of telling you what YOU should do, I wanted to inform you guys of what Furman has done to go green. I think it is always a good idea to see that others are practicing what they preach!

Now, Furman has done oodles of things to go green, but one thing is closer to home... literally.
For those of you who don't know, Furman has recently installed a geothermal system in North Village buildings A, B, and C. Geothermal systems essentially generate electricity from geothermal energy. This is far more sustainable because we are using natural heat from the earth to heat and cool the apartments. 

To better understand....

So, I hope this reassures you that you have people fighting the same GREEN fight! I also hope this encourages you to keep on keeping on with being sustainable. Yay sustainability!