Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Is Public Civility Gone?

New Social Disease?

So I have a question for you guys...is there a new social disease? Several individuals seem to think so. Some call it "Entitlementia" "Rudeness" or simply having an "insensitivity to others".  Check this video out!

Ok, so now that you have heard what these ladies had to say...check out a few examples of important individuals who seem to have contracted this new..."social disease".


So obviously, the best of us fail at exercising civility right? The answer to that is YES! But hey, it's ok. Sometimes we do fail at being civil. Its what humans do. Just remember to always put as much effort as possible to be civil. Its only fair. The more civil we are the better our lives and relationships become! Just in case you need to freshen up on what constitutes being civil, here are a few people who have a good idea on what civility really is!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

How is Furman going GREEN?

So it seems like everyone and their mama are in your face telling you to go green right?!?! Like...
Ride your bike!
Don't drive so much!
Turn off all the lights when you are not home!
Use a water bottle instead of buying plastic bottles!
Paper not plastic!

And you know what, these are all good ideas. It gives the world a chance to turn one more day. I encourage you to do what you can to go green! However, instead of telling you what YOU should do, I wanted to inform you guys of what Furman has done to go green. I think it is always a good idea to see that others are practicing what they preach!

Now, Furman has done oodles of things to go green, but one thing is closer to home... literally.
For those of you who don't know, Furman has recently installed a geothermal system in North Village buildings A, B, and C. Geothermal systems essentially generate electricity from geothermal energy. This is far more sustainable because we are using natural heat from the earth to heat and cool the apartments. 

To better understand....

So, I hope this reassures you that you have people fighting the same GREEN fight! I also hope this encourages you to keep on keeping on with being sustainable. Yay sustainability! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

I just called... to sayyyy..., I love you!

Hey people of North Village C!
I want to talk to you guys about Meaningful Interpersonal Relationships! 

Ok, so what kind of relationships are included ? Well....
1. Friendships
2. Family
3. Romantic
4. Professional 

Now, I know that at least one out of the four types of relationships relates to all of you. I am sure that you have besties, a fam, a special someone hehe ;) or a job. You should always try to keep these ties strong because these are the people that are involved in some of the most important aspects of your life!
The upcoming information is very basic, but may be used as tools to strengthen each type of relationship listed.
Check it...

"I just called...to say...I Love You"

-talk to that loved one, your parents, or your boss! Let them know what is going on in your life! If you keep them in the dark, they will never know who you are or why you have had a stanky attitude for the past four days. A lack of communication builds a wall. Now, how can you build meaningful interpersonal relationships with someone with a 10ft wall blockading you!?


-oh boy this is a big one! People usually attribute this to the romantic relationships and the friendships. However, this stretches to the relationships you build at work and even with those family members you have known for literally all your life! A constant state of skepticism toward others' actions will never allow you to become closer to your friends, family,  and coworkers!


-ok this may seem somewhat out of place but it is worth mentioning. Some of us looooovvvveee people and can't help it when we get to know everyone around us. This is a good thing, but it can be detrimental to developing meaningful interpersonal relationships. It is very difficult for us to keep track of friends that come in the hundreds and more. If possible, try to focus on a few people who mean a great deal to you. Investing time and energy can take your relationship further! 

So, what's the take home message?
Communicate with the people that you want to make meaningful interpersonal relationship. Trust them! Trust allows the relationship to grow! And remember your carrying capacity! Friends are great, but having too many might set your goals for meaningful interpersonal relations back!
Enjoy !

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Dear People of NV!
I wanted to let you know about a little sumthin' sumthin' that we are offering you guys! FREE FOOD! FREE CHICK-FIL-A!! So stop buy and make sure you fill your bellies with some yummy goodness! If you no likey the meat, we got the regular biscuits for ya! Get excited and get pumped!!

Here is some info: 
1. Wednesday October 26th 8:00AM - 11:00AM (or when they get all eaten up!)
2. near bridge between NV and lakeside housing

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Healthy Behaviors

Hello ladies and gentlemen of NvC! 
Soooo maybe some of you were thinking about getting into better shape this semester yeah? Well if so, I encourage you to do so! Working out provides benefits  far beyond having that shexy bod! 

So, for example, working out....
1. keeps you at a healthy weight (Ok, so this is obvious)
2. puts up a mean fight against health conditions and diseases
3. improves your mood! (happy is always good right?)
4. gives you more energy to battle your typical Furman day!
5. allows for a goooood night's sleep (you get to count more sheep!)

These five benefits are much more important than the way you look! So when you start breaking that sweat, just focus on how much healthier you are becoming! 

For those of you who might want a few exercise ideas, here a few videos. I have videos that have either a guy or a girl introducing the exercise. So take advantage of whichever ones you feel more comfortable with! Try some of these exercise to jolt your heart rate and make those muscles burn baby!! 

you might have to click "older posts" to see the other videos